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Cours individuels chez vous en visio
Cours adaptés "à vous" à vos objectifs"
bons résultats

The "Perineum and Movement" ® method
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

"Perineum and Movement Course" ®

A course for men and women

The pelvic floor is a very powerful muscle group that supports the pelvic organs. Under the action of respiration and therefore of the respiratory diaphragm, the abdominal "mass" is normally pushed downwards and therefore towards the perineum, then it rises towards the top of the abdomen. The perineum is a force, a powerful and flexible protection at the same time which must play its role despite the hardships of life (physical or artistic professions, intensive sports, childbirth ... menopause ... etc ..) Men have a perineum more toned than women, and often it is strained, causing trouble and difficulty in holding back the urge to either urinate or have a bowel movement. These disorders are often due to the muscles of the pelvic floor which struggle to do their "work" (contraction, relaxation, stretching ...)

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

A group course, pleasant, informative, fun, invigorating and relaxing ... a regular, weekly or monthly course (one Sunday per month), a respectful exchange.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

" je suis "surprise" par les résultats que j' moins en  de fuites  dès les premières séances...... connaitre les muscles du périnée c'est  vraiment pratique pour le maîtriser....extra...en visio chez moi c'est plus facile pour tout !.... (Anne. T)

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